Host Direct is pleased to announce that it now accepts an additional 21 currencies from around the world. Select an appropriate currency when creating a new account.

Australian Dollar New Taiwan Dollar
British Pound New Zealand Dollar
Canadian Dollar Norwegian Krone
Czech Koruna Philippine Peso
Danish Krone Polish Zloty
Euro Singapore Dollar
Hong Kong Dollar Swedish Krona
Hungarian Forint Swiss Franc
Israeli New Shekel Thai Baht
Japanese Yen U.S. Dollar (Primary)
Mexican Peso  

Currencies accepted by Host Direct
Australian Dollar
British Pound
Canadian Dollar
Czech Koruna
Danish Krone
Hong Kong Dollar
Hungarian Forint
Israeli New Shekel
Japanese Yen
Mexican Peso
New Taiwan Dollar
New Zealand Dollar
Norwegian Krone
Philippine Peso
Polish Zloty
Singapore Dollar
Swedish Krona
Swiss Franc
Thai Baht
U.S. Dollar (Primary)

mercredi, septembre 27, 2017

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